Build your own UI

You can also use the connection hooks and functions to connect to your smart accounts and build your fully custom UI.

  • Get a free API key

    You will require an API key to use thirdweb's infrastructure services such as the bundler and paymaster.

    Obtain an API key from the thirdweb dashboard Settings page.

    The API key lets you access thirdweb's bundler and paymaster infrastructure, which is required for smart accounts to operate and optionally enable gasless transactions.

    Learn more about creating an API key and restricting which contracts the smart account can interact with here.

  • Connect smart accounts in your application

    Using useConnect, you can pass the accountAbstraction prop to automatically convert any connected wallet to a smart account.

    The connected wallet will be the admin wallet of the smart account.

    import { useConnect } from "thirdweb/react";
    import { inAppWallet } from "thirdweb/wallets";
    import { sepolia } from "thirdweb/chains";
    function App() {
    // 1. set the `accountAbstraction` configuration
    const { connect } = useConnect({
    accountAbstraction: {
    chain: sepolia, // the chain where your smart accounts will be or is deployed
    sponsorGas: true, // enable or disable sponsored transactions
    const connectToSmartAccount = async () => {
    // 2. connect with the admin wallet of the smart account
    connect(async () => {
    const wallet = inAppWallet(); // or any other wallet
    await wallet.connect({
    chain: sepolia,
    strategy: "google",
    return wallet;
    return (
    <button onClick={() => connectToSmartAccount()}>Connect</button>
  • Executing Transactions with Smart Accounts

    Once setup, you can use the Connect TypeScript, React, or React Native SDKs to deploy contracts, perform transactions, and manipulate smart accounts like any other wallet.

    import { getContract } from "thirdweb";
    import { useActiveAccount, useSendTransaction } from "thirdweb/react";
    import { claimTo, balanceOf } from "thirdweb/extensions/erc721";
    const contract = getContract({ client, chain, address: "0x..." });
    // The ThirdwebProvider setup above already handles the connection to the smart account
    // Within the provider, you can use the SDK normally to interact with the blockchain
    export default function MyComponent() {
    // Get the connected smart account
    const smartAccount = useActiveAccount();
    // Example read
    const { data, isLoading } = useReadContract(
    owner: smartAccount.address,
    enabled: !!smartAccount,
    // Example write
    const { mutate: sendTransaction, isPending } = useSendTransaction();
    const mint = () => {
    transaction: claimTo({
    to: smartAccount.address,
    quantity: 1n,
    // Mint a new NFT
    return <button onClick={mint}>Mint NFT</button>;


Learn by example with these open-source demos:

Account Abstraction Demos

A reference implementation to create and interact with smart accounts.