Options for deploying a Vote contract
type VoteContractDeployMetadata = { app_uri: string; defaultAdmin: string; description: string; external_link: string; image: FileOrBufferOrString; name: string; proposal_token_threshold: string | number | bigint | BigNumber; trusted_forwarders: Array<string>; voting_delay_in_blocks: number; voting_period_in_blocks: number; voting_quorum_fraction: number; voting_token_address: string;};
The default app for this contract
type app_uri = string;
The default admin for this contract
type defaultAdmin = string;
Optional description of the contract
type description = string;
Optional url for the contract
type external_link = string;
Optional image for the contract
type image = FileOrBufferOrString;
name of the contract
type name = string;
The minimum amount in governance token owned to be able to create a proposal
type proposal_token_threshold = string | number | bigint | BigNumber;
Custom gasless trusted forwarder addresses
type trusted_forwarders = Array<string>;
The delay in blocks before voting can begin on proposals Specified in number of blocks. Assuming block time of around 13.14 seconds, 1 day = 6570 blocks, 1 week = 45992 blocks.
type voting_delay_in_blocks = number;
The duration in blocks of the open voting window Specified in number of blocks. Assuming block time of around 13.14 seconds, 1 day = 6570 blocks, 1 week = 45992 blocks.
type voting_period_in_blocks = number;
The minimum fraction to be met to pass a proposal
type voting_quorum_fraction = number;
The address of the governance token contract representing votes
type voting_token_address = string;