Retrieves the winning bid information for a given auction.
import { getWinningBid } from "thirdweb/extensions/marketplace"; const winningBid = await getWinningBid({ contract, auctionId: 0n,});
function getWinningBid( options: BaseTransactionOptions<GetWinningBidParams>,): Promise< | undefined | { bidAmountWei: bigint; bidderAddress: string; currencyAddress: string; currencyValue: CurrencyValue; }>;
The options for retrieving the winning bid.
let options: BaseTransactionOptions<GetWinningBidParams>;
let returnType: Promise< | undefined | { bidAmountWei: bigint; bidderAddress: string; currencyAddress: string; currencyValue: CurrencyValue; }>;
The winning bid information, or undefined if there is no winning bid.