
Auth allows anyone to integrate passwordless web3-native authentication and authorization into their applications. Users can then login using any thirdweb wallet (in-app, browser, or smart wallet).

This allows developers to create a familiar, secure authentication flow that works with traditional backends while leveraging the features of a web3 application.

Get Started

npm i thirdweb

Get Your Client ID

To use Auth in your app, you'll need a client ID. You can get one for free on your thirdweb dashboard.

Setting Up Auth

import { ThirdwebProvider, ConnectButton } from "thirdweb/react";
import { createThirdwebClient } from "thirdweb";
import { createAuth } from "thirdweb/auth";
const client = createThirdwebClient({
clientId: "1234567890", // get yours at https://thirdweb.com/dashboard/settings/api-keys
const thirdwebAuth = createAuth({
domain: "localhost:3000",
adminAccount: privateKeyToAccount({ client, privateKey }),
export default function App() {
const [loggedIn, setLoggedIn] = useState(false);
return (
// The ThirdwebProvider should be at the root of your application, but the ConnectButton can be anywhere
getLoginPayload: async (params) => {
// here you should call your backend, using generatePayload to return
// a SIWE compliant login payload to the client
return thirdwebAuth.generatePayload(params);
doLogin: async (params) => {
// here you should call your backend to verify the signed payload passed in params
// this will verify that the signature matches the intended wallet
const verifiedPayload =
await thirdwebAuth.verifyPayload(params);
isLoggedIn: async () => {
// here you should ask you backend if the user is logged in
// can use cookies, storage, or your method of choice
return loggedIn;
doLogout: async () => {
// here you should call your backend to logout the user if needed
// and delete any local auth tokens

Auth with Smart Accounts (Account Abstraction)

When using Auth with a smart account, you must specify a client (on createAuth) and a chain ID (on generatePayload). The smart account is deployed on a specific chain and the payload must reflect that, and the client is needed to call the wallet contract to verify the signature.


Quickly get started with one of our templates:

Auth + Next.js

A working example of Auth + Next.js

Auth + Express

A working example of a React + Express app using Auth


Auth integrates with a variety of server-side and client-side development frameworks. We're always adding support for more frameworks, so if you don't see yours, let us know.