
Hook for fetching all active listings from a Marketplace contract.

Note: This hook is only for Marketplace contracts. For Marketplace V3 contracts, use useValidDirectListings or useValidEnglishAuctions instead


import { useActiveListings, useContract } from "@thirdweb-dev/react";
function App() {
const { contract } = useContract(contractAddress, "marketplace");
const { data, isLoading, error } = useActiveListings(contract);
function useActiveListings(
contract: RequiredParam<Marketplace>,
): UseQueryResult<Array<AuctionListing | DirectListing>, unknown>;


Instance of a Marketplace contract


let contract: RequiredParam<Marketplace>;

By default, the hook returns all active listings from the marketplace.

You can filter the results by providing a filter object as the second argument for the sake of pagination & filtering

import { useActiveListings, useContract } from "@thirdweb-dev/react";
function App() {
const { contract } = useContract(contractAddress, "marketplace");
const { data, isLoading, error } = useActiveListings(contract, {
seller: "{{wallet_address}}", // Filter by seller
tokenContract: "{{contract_address}}", // Filter by token contract
offeror: "{{wallet_address}}", // Filter by offeror
tokenId: "{{token_id}}", // Filter by token ID
count: 10, // Limit the number of results
start: 0, // Start from the nth result (useful for pagination)


let filter: MarketplaceFilter;


let returnType: UseQueryResult<

The hook's data property, once loaded, returns an array containing both AuctionListing and DirectListing objects.

Use the type property to determine which type of listing each one is.


// The id of the listing
id: string;
// The address of the asset being listed.
assetContractAddress: string;
// The ID of the token to list.
tokenId: BigNumberish;
// The asset being listed.
asset: NFTMetadata;
// The start time of the listing.
startTimeInEpochSeconds: BigNumberish;
// Number of seconds until the auction expires.
endTimeInEpochSeconds: BigNumberish;
// The quantity of tokens in the listing.
// For ERC721s, this value should always be 1
quantity: BigNumberish;
// The address of the currency to accept for the listing.
currencyContractAddress: string;
// The reserve price is the minimum price that a bid must be in order to be accepted.
reservePrice: BigNumber;
// The buyout price of the listing.
buyoutPrice: BigNumber;
// The `CurrencyValue` of the buyout price listing.
// Useful for displaying the price information.
buyoutCurrencyValuePerToken: CurrencyValue;
// The `CurrencyValue` of the reserve price.
// Useful for displaying the price information.
reservePriceCurrencyValuePerToken: CurrencyValue;
// The address of the seller.
sellerAddress: string;
// Listing type Enum
type: ListingType.Auction;


// The id of the listing.
id: string;
//The address of the asset being listed.
assetContractAddress: string;
// The ID of the token to list.
tokenId: BigNumberish;
//The asset being listed.
asset: NFTMetadata;
//The start time of the listing.
startTimeInSeconds: BigNumberish;
//Number of seconds until the listing expires.
secondsUntilEnd: BigNumberish;
// The quantity of tokens to include in the listing.
// For ERC721s, this value should always be 1
quantity: BigNumberish;
// The address of the currency to accept for the listing.
currencyContractAddress: string;
// The `CurrencyValue` of the listing. Useful for displaying the price information.
buyoutCurrencyValuePerToken: CurrencyValue;
// The buyout price of the listing.
buyoutPrice: BigNumber;
// The address of the seller.
sellerAddress: string;
// Listing type Enum
type: ListingType.Direct;