
Hook for setting claim conditions on a drop contract.

This is available for available for contracts that implement the "ClaimConditions" interface; such as NFT Drop , Edition Drop , and Token Drop .

When using an ERC1155 contract, you must also provide the token ID of the NFT you want to set claim conditions on as the second parameter to the hook.


import {
} from "@thirdweb-dev/react";
function App() {
const { contract } = useContract(contractAddress);
const {
mutateAsync: setClaimConditions,
} = useSetClaimConditions(contract);
const claimConditions = {
phases: [
metadata: {
name: "Phase 1", // The name of the phase
currencyAddress: "0x...", // The address of the currency you want users to pay in
price: 1, // The price of the token in the currency specified above
maxClaimablePerWallet: 1, // The maximum number of tokens a wallet can claim
maxClaimableSupply: 100, // The total number of tokens that can be claimed in this phase
startTime: new Date(), // When the phase starts (i.e. when users can start claiming tokens)
waitInSeconds: 60 * 60 * 24 * 7, // The period of time users must wait between repeat claims
snapshot: [
address: "0x...", // The address of the wallet
currencyAddress: "0x...", // Override the currency address this wallet pays in
maxClaimable: 5, // Override the maximum number of tokens this wallet can claim
price: 0.5, // Override the price this wallet pays
merkleRootHash: "0x...", // The merkle root hash of the snapshot
return (
action={() => setClaimConditions(claimConditions)}
Set Claim Conditions
function useSetClaimConditions(
contract: RequiredParam<DropContract>,
tokenId?: BigNumberish,
): UseMutationResult<
{ receipt: providers.TransactionReceipt },


Instance of a DropContract


let contract: RequiredParam<DropContract>;


let tokenId: BigNumberish;


let returnType: UseMutationResult<
{ receipt: providers.TransactionReceipt },

A Mutation object to set claim conditions

const { mutateAsync, isLoading, error } =
function setPhases(phases) {
function reset() {
reset: true,


The mutation function takes an object with two possible properties:

  • reset - A boolean that determines whether to reset the claim conditions. This means you reset any previous claim conditions that existed and allow users to claim again as if the drop had just started.

  • phases - An array of claim phases that occur in chronological order. You can only have one phase occur at a time. All properties of a phase are optional, with the default being a free, open, unlimited claim, in the native currency, starting immediately.

reset (optional)

A boolean value that determines whether to reset the claim conditions or to keep the existing state.

By resetting them, any previous claims that were made will be ignored by the claim condition restrictions.

For example, if you had a limit of 1 token per wallet, and a user claimed a token, then you reset the claim conditions, that user will be able to claim another token.

Default value is false .

phases (required)

Provide an array of phases that occur in chronological order. All properties of a phase are optional and are described below:


An object representing the metadata of the phase. This is only for display purposes in the dashboard and isn’t used elsewhere.

name: string;

The address of the currency you want users to pay in.

This can be any ERC20 token value. If you want users to pay in the native currency (e.g. Ether on Ethereum), you can import the NATIVE_TOKEN_ADDRESS constant from @thirdweb-dev/sdk . The default value is NATIVE_TOKEN_ADDRESS .


The price per token in the currency specified above. The default value is 0 .


The maximum number of tokens a wallet can claim. The default value is "unlimited"


The total number of tokens that can be claimed in this phase.

For example, if you lazy mint 1000 tokens and set the maxClaimableSupply to 100, then only 100 tokens will be claimable in this phase, leaving 900 tokens to be claimed in the next phases (if you have any).

This is useful for "early bird" use cases, where you allow users to claim a limited number of tokens at a discounted price during the first X amount of time.


When the phase starts (i.e. when users can start claiming tokens).

The default value is "immediately" .


The amount of time between claims a wallet must wait before they can claim again.

The default value is 0 , meaning users can claim again immediately after claiming.


A list of wallets that you want to override the default claim conditions for.

Wallet addresses within this list can be set to pay in a different currency, have a different price, and have a different maximum claimable amount.

address: string;
currencyAddress?: string;
maxClaimable?: number;
price?: number;

Learn more about improving claim conditions


If you want to provide your own merkle tree for your snapshot, provide the merkle root hash here. This is only recommended for advanced use cases.