Sends a transaction using the provided wallet.
import { sendAndConfirmTransaction } from "thirdweb"; const transactionReceipt = await sendAndConfirmTransaction({ account, transaction,});
const transactionReceipt = await sendAndConfirmTransaction({ account, transaction, gasless: { provider: "engine", relayerUrl: "https://thirdweb.engine-******", relayerForwarderAddress: "0x...", },});
const transactionReceipt = await sendAndConfirmTransaction({ account, transaction, gasless: { provider: "openzeppelin", relayerUrl: "https://...", relayerForwarderAddress: "0x...", },});
function sendAndConfirmTransaction( options: SendTransactionOptions,): Promise<TransactionReceipt>;
The options for sending the transaction.
let options: { account: Account; gasless: GaslessOptions; transaction: PreparedTransaction<any>;};
let returnType: { blobGasPrice?: quantity; blobGasUsed?: quantity; blockHash: Hash; blockNumber: quantity; contractAddress: Address | null | undefined; cumulativeGasUsed: quantity; effectiveGasPrice: quantity; from: Address; gasUsed: quantity; logs: Array<Log<quantity, index, false>>; logsBloom: Hex; root?: Hash; status: status; to: Address | null; transactionHash: Hash; transactionIndex: index; type: type;};
A promise that resolves to the confirmed transaction receipt.