
Instantiate or upgrade any other wallet to a SmartWallet to enable advanced blockchain interactions, including gasless transactions through Account Abstraction (ERC4337 as well as ZkSync Native AA).

Account Abstraction is a system that turns any personal wallet into a smart wallet, allowing you to sponsor gas for your users and unlocking advanced permissioning features that allow for seamless user onboarding, gasless transactions, automation and more.

We recommend using Smart Wallets as the primary wallet type for your users.

Connecting to a Smart Wallet directly

var smartWalletOptions = new SmartWalletOptions(sponsorGas: true)
var options = new WalletOptions(..., smartWalletOptions: smartWalletOptions);
var wallet = await ThirdwebManager.Instance.ConnectWallet(options);

Upgrading an existing wallet to a Smart Wallet

var smartWalletOptions = new SmartWalletOptions(sponsorGas: true)
var smartWallet = await ThirdwebManager.Instance.UpgradeToSmartWallet(
personalWallet: myExistingIThirdwebWallet,
chainId: 1,
smartWalletOptions: smartWalletOptions

Learn more about SmartWallet